WP8 – Bollettino epidemiologico nazionale
17 November 2021
WP8 team has written an article for the Italian scientific journal ‘Bollettino Epidemiologico Nazionale’ that describes their work within the EU-JAV.
WP8 team has written an article for the Italian scientific journal ‘Bollettino Epidemiologico Nazionale’ that describes their work within the EU-JAV.
On 24 June 2021 the Commission adopted the work programme 2021 (C(2021)4793 final) which sets out the priorities and actions for the year, including resource allocation, for the implementation of the EU4Health Programme.
Welcome to the fifth EU-JAV newsletter!
15th October 2021 from Athens, Greece: The first public meeting of the European Joint Action (EU JAV) – One Europe on Vaccination. Strengthening European Cooperation to fight vaccine-preventable diseases, came alive online from Athens, Greece and presented to a wide audience, the progress made so far by each Work Package on their respective thematic field. The WP leaders’ first results and achievements during the past-three years addressed the multiple and distinct objectives of the Joint Action on Vaccination; ranging from vaccines research, development, supply and demand to vaccine hesitancy and uptake.
Second European School Competition Vaccination
Every year during Spring, World Immunization Week is celebrated to promote vaccination worldwide. This year’s edition is especially dedicated to the theme ‘Vaccines bring us together’. Whether in the current pandemic context or in the context of vaccination in general, it is important to remember that global vaccination is essential for the health of everyone, […]
EU-JAV 2020 GENERAL ASSEMBLY We are pleased to announce that the 2020 annual meeting of the European Joint Action on Vaccination was held online on the 30th of September 2020, by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland. You may access to THL Website here 30th September 2020 FINNISH INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND WELFARE (THL) – FINLAND
Welcome to the 2nd Newsletter of the European Joint Action on Vaccination!
We would like to thank all of our partners very much for the formidable work that has been already done this year. We are perfectly confident about the continuation of this project thanks to your many efforts!
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 annual meeting of the European Joint Action on Vaccination took place from the 2nd to the 3rd of October 2019, at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita in Rome, Italy.
En 2018, une étude commanditée par l’ONG Wellcome[i] montrait que parmi les 144 pays interrogés, la France a la population la plus défiante vis-à-vis de la sûreté des vaccins