WP4 – The Lancet
17 February 2022
WP4 team has written an article for The Lancet that describes their work within the EU-JAV.
WP4 team has written an article for The Lancet that describes their work within the EU-JAV.
WP7 team has written an article for the scientific magazine ‘Vaccine’ that describes their work within the EU-JAV.
WP8 team has written an article for the Italian scientific journal ‘Bollettino Epidemiologico Nazionale’ that describes their work within the EU-JAV.
En 2018, une étude commanditée par l’ONG Wellcome[i] montrait que parmi les 144 pays interrogés, la France a la population la plus défiante vis-à-vis de la sûreté des vaccins
Le 18 avril dernier, lors d’une conférence de presse de lancement de la semaine européenne de la vaccination 2019, madame Agnès Buzyn, ministre des solidarités et de la santé de la France a réaffirmé la position et les objectifs du gouvernement en matière de vaccination. Avec la mise en place de la vaccination obligatoire pour […]
‘Paul has MEASLES’ Come discover this beautiful book suitable for children! To make them discover what measles is and how to fight it via vaccination through an illustrated story is to link playfulness and education from an early age! This book is available in several languages (French, English, Spanish, Romanian, Hindi, …) and easily downloadable […]
2019 Translational Research Day On April the 4th, the Centre de recherche Translationnelle organised the Journée de la recherche translationnelle at Pasteur Institute in Paris. This event brought together experts on Vaccination, HIV and HVB who could present and debate on these subjects linked with translational research. The event was opened by James Di Santo, Director […]
Welcome to the 1st Newsletterof the European Joint Action on Vaccination! 2019 will see the first concrete achievements of the EU-Joint Action on Vaccination. This is a crucial year for our common project, which should contribute to operationalize many objectives of the EU council recommendation adopted in December 2018. Vaccine hesitancy is ranked as one […]
Hésitation vaccinale : “Les vaccins ne sont pas une opinion, mais un acte de soin” Le 1er Avril 2019, Sciences et Avenir a publié un article, sous la plume de Camille Gaubert, décrivant notre projet EU-JAV et relatant la séance d’interview avec le Professeur Geneviève Chêne, Directrice de l’ISPED et Coordinatrice du projet. More information […]
Adoption of the Council Recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases On the 7th December 2018, Health Ministers from the European Union adopted a recommendation from the European Commission to fight vaccine preventable diseases. This Council Recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases was first proposed by the European Commission in April 2018 […]