21-22 November 2018
Tyra Grove-Krause (WP5 leader) represented the EU-JAV at the “Digital health policies for Children’s Health: Focus on Immunization” event on 21st November and presented the activities that will be developed regarding Immunisation Information systems.
20 November 2018
This event brought together stakeholders from all sectors (Public health professonals, pharmaceutical industries, policy-makers, civil society, etc…) and aimed at discussing strategies to improve the vaccination policies in France and across Europe.
19 November 2018
Genevieve Chene (EU-JAV coordinator) presented the European Joint Action on Vaccination at the FEAM Forum workshop on Vaccination.
13 November 2018
Tyra Grove-Krause (WP5 leader) represented the EU-JAV at the 14th eHealth Network meeting on 13th November and presented the activities that will be developed regarding Immunisation Information systems.
7 November 2018
Active Citizens in Europe advocate for vaccination On 7th November 2018, Genevieve Chene (EU-JAV coordinator) presented the European Joint Action on Vaccination at the event “Active Citizens in Europe advocate for vaccination” organized by the Active Citizenship Network. The objective of the event was to reflect in a multi-stakeholder environment, on the commitment of EU […]
23 October 2018
Welcome to the 27th edition of the CPME newsletter.
This issue presents, among many other important topics, a feature article by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) about the European campaign to tackle the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) emergency.
23 October 2018
Europe gets serious about vaccination Joint Action: European countries are joining forces to combat vaccine-preventable diseases. Professor Geneviève Chene, who coordinates the initiative, explains why action is needed
5 September 2018
Vaccination : 20 pays européens vont coopérer pour lutter contre le scepticisme Pour faire face aux enjeux liés à la vaccination, notamment à la méfiance du grand public, une action conjointe à 20 pays européens* (European Joint Action on Vaccination) a été lancée le 4 septembre à Paris. Elle est coordonnée par l’INSERM et le […]
4 September 2018
Finland involved in European Joint Action on Vaccination Finland participates in a new, extensive European project aiming to increase vaccination coverage among the population. The European Joint Action on Vaccination, expanding over a period of three years, is the next step in EU efforts to improve immunisation and vaccination coverage in Europe. The Joint Action aims […]
4 September 2018
Launch of the European Joint Action on Vaccination The European Joint Action on Vaccination (EU‐JAV), coordinated by France (National Institute of Health and Medical Research, Inserm, with the support of the Ministry of Health and Solidarities), is launched on September 4, 2018 in Paris.