European Commission – New Call for Tender on Vaccination

Written by laure vidal on March 16, 2022 in All news Uncategorized

Service contract for systematic reviews of scientific evidence on vaccines and capacity building activities

Dear EU-JAV Partners, 


For your information, on 4 March 2022, HaDEA ( European Health and Digital Executive Agency) published a call for tenders, by means of which the Commission wants to support Member States in their decision-making on national vaccination plans, including COVID-19 vaccines and any adaptations of those vaccines due to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants.


The subject of this call for tenders is to support the activities of EU/EEA National Immunisation Technical Advisory Groups (NITAG) by:

  • Conducting 16 Systematic Reviews or Rapid Literature Reviews of scientific evidence in the area of vaccines and/or EU/EEA vaccination programmes, including COVID-19;
  • Preparing and executing the on-line training on methodologies for assessing evidence review, synthesis, evaluation and transformation into technical documents/guidance;
  • Carrying out capacity-building activities to strengthen the Collaboration.


Link to the call for tenders is here: eTendering – Data (