Geneviève Chêne, former coordinator of EU-JAV, Inserm
“As announced during our annual meeting in Rome earlier in October, I am starting a new position in Paris in November and stepping down from my position of JAV coordinator on 31st October.
Thank you for the great work conducted together and best wishes to the EU-JAV!
The CEO of Inserm has proposed Prof. Olivier Epaulard (Grenoble) to succeed me as coordinator. We have had a short but very efficient period of transition.
I wish him the best, thank you for welcoming him at the level of your friendship and professionalism, I have appreciated them both a lot!
I look forward to crossing your path again!"

Olivier Epaulard, new coordinator of EU-JAV, Inserm
Olivier Epaulard is a professor in clinical infectious diseases in Grenoble-Alpes University Hospital, Grenoble, France.
He graduated in infectious and tropical diseases and in internal medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Grenoble, and obtained a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology in the Université Grenoble Alpes. His PhD and his post-doctoral fellowship (in Paris, France) focused on vaccine vectors and vaccine adjuvants.
Apart from his current clinical and teaching activities, he coordinates the Vaccination and prevention study group of the French-speaking infectious disease society (SPILF), and participates in the board of the vaccine study group (EVASG) of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID). His current research areas include vaccine hesitancy, and vaccination of the immunocompromised host.
“I am enthusiastic to participate in the European Union Joint Action on Vaccination. I feel there is at this time a great opportunity for our countries to develop a coordinated, transnational effort to address such important subjects as people’s trust in vaccines, cooperation regarding preventable epidemics, and avoiding shortages. Vaccines are one of our best tools to shape a better, safer future, and acting at a European level is crucial".